Hemorrhoid Banding

Gastrointestinal Institute

Hemorrhoid banding is a procedure used to treat painful, swollen hemorrhoids. The procedure is most often done because the hemorrhoids: (1) are bleeding severely, (2) are severely painful, (3) they contain a blood clot (thrombosed hemorrhoid) or, (4) they protrude through the anus (prolapsed hemorrhoids).

What to expect

Man Suffering from Severe Hemorrhoids — Normal, IL — Gastrointestinal Institute


The procedure does typically call for anesthesia. A local anesthesia may be used in some cases to numb the area.

The procedure:

An anoscope will be inserted through the anus. The doctor will look through the tube to see inside the rectum and locate the hemorrhoid. The doctor will use a special banding tool to place a small rubber band around the hemorrhoid. The band cuts off the blood supply. This will make the hemorrhoid fall off. More than one hemorrhoid may be banded. The band(s) and the hemorrhoid(s) will fall off within 1 – 2 weeks.

How long will it take?

This procedure is relatively quick. The length depends on how many hemorrhoids need treatment.

Will it hurt?

Patients often report some discomfort during and after the procedure. If you feel sharp or severe pain, tell your physician immediately. Mild pain medicine will help you manage discomfort during recovery.

Post-procedure care:

For a few days, you will have difficulty controlling the passage of gas and bowel movements. When you return home after the procedure, do the following to help ensure a smooth recovery:

  • Take sitz baths as recommended. Sitz baths will help relieve discomfort and clean the area. For a sitz bath, sit in warm water for 10 – 15 minutes. Pat the area dry. Do not wipe or rub vigorously. You may me advised to take a sitz bath every four hours and after every bowel movement. Devices are available to place on top of the toilet to make the process easier.
  • Move your bowels as soon as you feel the urge.
  • Do not strain, bear down, or hold your breath during bowel movements.
  • Do not sit on the toilet for long periods of time.
  • To prevent constipation and straining during bowel movements, use a stool softener, exercise, drink plenty of fluids, and eat plenty of high-fiber foods (i.e. fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains).
  • Apply creams or ointments as directed by your physician.
  • Avoid heavy lifting for two to three weeks.
  • Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions.

Expect some bleeding when the hemorrhoid falls off.

After arriving home, contact your doctor if any of the following occurs:

  • Passing large amounts of blood
  • Signs of infection, including fever and chills
  • Pain that you cannot control with the medicines you have been given
  • Constipation or trouble urinating
  • Aching feeling develops in the area between your rectum and the genitals

IMPORTANT REMINDER: This information is intended only to provide general guidance. It does not provide definitive medical advice. It is very important that you consult your doctor about your specific condition.

Information provided from Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center of Wisconsin.

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